The swing window frame is similar to the door frame and can be repaired in the same way (but first all the windows must be removed). The following describes the procedure for replacing the window sill of a lift window. Check whether the waterproofing gasket under the window sill is present or suitable. In any case, the situation can be corrected relatively easily with the help of a plunger with a waterproofing strip made of galvanized iron.
When replacing (without disassembling the box) this type of window sill, it may have to be abandoned and rely on the mastic. Replacing the wooden window sill leave the window sill not to change the window sill by simply sawing it between the joints and inserting a new section in this place.
Even if you seal the joints with mastic, the slightest defect in the sealant will allow moisture into the masonry and end surfaces of the wood, and you will find yourself facing the need to do the same repairs again. If the window sill has been seriously affected by rot, you may have to remove the entire box. Make and install a new window sill using the old one as a sample.
Treat it with a protective agent and at the same time treat the old wood, which is usually hidden by the masonry. Apply a mastic roller to the window sill and place the entire frame from the inside. You can replace the window sill from the inside, leaving the frame in place. Saw it next to the joints and remove the centrepiece. Cut the lower ends of the inner lining (casing) flush with the window sills and remove the end pieces of the old window sill.
Make a new window sill so that the cut-outs at the ends of the window sill contain the old cladding. Place the window sill and tighten the joints with screws. Repairing a stone window sillTraditional stone window sills, still preserved in old houses, can be destroyed by atmospheric conditions.

They may also crack when the building settles. Cracks and damaged surfaces can be repaired with a ready-mixed, quick-drying, moisture-resistant solution. Clean and expand them. Moisten the stone with clean water and fill it with cracks flush with the top surface. To do this, cut the material to a depth of at least 25 mm below the window sill with a metalworking chisel.
Thoroughly remove splinters and dust. Form a wooden formwork according to the shape of the window sill and temporarily nail it to the masonry. Moisten the stone, apply the trowel mortar, flatten it with the formwork and smooth it out. Allow the mortar to set for a couple of days before removing the formwork. Allow the mortar to dry completely before painting.
Making a new concrete window sill c use a hammer and chisel to cut out the remains of the old stone window sill. Make the wooden form so that its sides follow the contour of the old window sill. The open top of the shape will be the bottom of the window sill. Fill the form three quarters with fine aggregate concrete and make sure it is well balanced. Place two painted mild steel bars and fill the rest of the form.
Place a long, thin wooden rod (peg) in the slots in the corners of the mold. It is necessary for the formation of a “spleen”. Cover the concrete with polyethylene film or moisten it regularly for two to three days so that it does not dry too quickly. After the concrete has caught (after about seven days), remove it from the mold and place it in the wall on the bedding. Between this window sill and the wooden window sill, make a sealing strip of slate.
The durability of a wall depends to a certain extent on the mortar used in its construction. If prepared correctly, the mortar is strong and at the same time elastic enough.
For many people, a cobbled area is associated with a “backyard” or “farmyard” where there are no trees, bushes or grass. But the design of the road surface in the garden makes it possible to create attractive contrasts of color and texture, which can be enhanced by the play of bright sunlight and deep shade.